A Guide To Make Car Drives Safe For Babies and Children (Safety Tips)
While out on a drive, for work or leisure, children are the most excited. But they are also the most vulnerable. It is astonishing how parents allow their children to jump about and enjoy while in the car, without being properly restrained and hence, inviting trouble. While no parent or guardian would knowingly put a child’s life in danger, it is always advisable to be extra cautious when driving around with kids.
Just to put things in perspective, while driving a car at 50 km/h if a car meets with an accident, a child not wearing a seatbelt or not using a child car seat would be thrown forward with a force 30 to 60 times their body weight.
It is better to be safe than sorry! Here is a quick guide on making the drive safe for babies.
Get a child car seat that is according to your child’s height and weight and learn to fix it properly, as badly fitted seats could lead to serious injuries and is as good as not having one. If you’re unable to fit it yourself, please do ask for assistance from someone adept at the job.
Children above 7 years (at least 145cm tall) should be told to use adult seatbelts while sitting in the front and even in the back.
Explain to your child that the car cannot move unless the seatbelts are all buckled up and why is it important to do so.
Secure loose objects like toys and never keep them with the younger kids, without any adult supervision.
Ensure that your child always keeps arms, legs and head inside the car when it’s moving or parked on the side of the road
Activate child proof door locks so that your child cannot get out of a car when it is moving or standing still.
Look before you lock the car – check that your child is not left in the car or near one of the doors.
Stop the car and pull over if your child needs attention. By doing this, you’re taking care of your child and also not endangering other people driving on the road.
Praise or reward your child’s good behavior during the drive to make it a habit. Positive reinforcement goes a long way.
Don’t hold your child on your lap because in case of an accident, the child could be crushed between your body and part of the car’s interior.
Don’t leave your child unattended in the car – This could lead to breathing problems on hot days, accidental trapping and many other problems.
Never leave your keys in the car with the child, when you are not in the car.
Don’t allow children below 7-8 years to sit in the front passenger seat (The back row of seats is the safest place in the car
Travelling with children can be challenging, but following basic etiquettes can make the journey easier and safer. Safety is simple. It starts with you!